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Thanks for considering supporting us! Our show is made possible through the generous support of our fans.

There are lots of ways you can help keep the show going and growing.

The Ultimate Random Encounters Book

Our Book is a collection of encounters and GM tools to help add a little VRE spice to your TTRPGs!


Patreon is a service that allows our fans to support us monthly. All our patrons get rewards, and the more you give, the more you get! Our rewards include a bonus podcast each month, access to the soundtrack, bonus art, movie night, and more!


You can support us with a one-time payment at

Apple Podcasts

Rating and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you listen to podcasts) is a great and free way to help other folks find us!


Our Red Bubble shop will let you put VRE stuff on pretty much anything. Coffee mugs, shirts, mouse pads? We got you.


You can support us while wearing the coolest new garments at our RedBubble store.


Tell a friend about the show! Word of mouth is a great way for others to find us.

Thank you to all our Patrons for helping us make the show!

17 half-dead ferrets stapled together and hiding in a trench coat

AJ Real

Allyson Doucet


Brian Shaffer


Christian Eron

Christopher Sturdy

Corax Alexandra

Dalton Ingles

Daniel McGeachie

Dave Ritchey

Douglas Mathews

Dylan Licciardo

Fiona Hawkins

Jacob Haller

Jay Petrequin

Jeremy Auer

Jesse Shore

John Gundlach

Justin Terrill

Kate Schmidt

Kenneth Merriman


Kieren Szczypior

Kyle Ranes


Marissa S.

Martin Lord

Matt Gonzalez


Nathan Stephan

Nicole Martinez

Rachel Alberg

Renee Drake

Richard Cramer

Riley Hopkins


Ryan Isaacs

Silas W Loftis

Skelly Warren


Taylor Levesque

Tiffany Hall

Xander Thompson

⚧ Scott @ShadedSpriter